Wait, is that Pete the Cat walking down the hall?? Did Amelia Bedelia just go into the gym?? On Friday, March 1, Kindergarten through 4th Grade students will take part in Book Character Day. Students are encouraged to come dressed as one of their favorite characters from a book. Book Character Day is in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and the joy of reading.
We are excited to welcome our Grandparents to campus on Tuesday, November 21, for a special program beginning at 9:00am. The program will be held at the Middle School/High School gym. Students, grades K-12, will be sharing during the event. For more information, please contact the school office.
Dear FCS Families,
We want to take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of “The Best Gift,” the annual Live Nativity at Faith Christian School. This year, we will once again be taking our Christmas production outside, and we need your help. We are looking for volunteers to help serve in several different areas. But first, here are the event details.
This will be a drive-through event held at the Elementary. Our plans are to depict seven different scenes of the Christmas story and life of Jesus: Mary and Joseph en route to Bethlehem, the angels and shepherds, the Wise Men, the Nativity, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the cross, and the empty tomb. The event will be Friday, December 15, 5:00-7:00pm. We are hoping to have enough cast members where we can rotate “actors” in and out of the scenes (in case it is cold). The actors do not have any speaking parts, they just have to stand there. J
Please take a moment to see how you can get involved.
Opportunities to Serve—
- Traffic—We need help with directing traffic on the night of the event.
- Actors—We need all ages of students (K-12) and parents…Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, Wise Men, stable animals, and an adult Jesus for the garden scene. The cross scene will be an empty cross. Remember, we are trying to fill two complete cast lists…i.e. Mary—4 actors, Joseph—4 actors, Shepherds—6 actors, etc.
- Gym Monitors—We would like to have several parents who could help monitor students while they are inside in the gym waiting to go out to their scenes. Snacks are being provided by the PTF Hospitality Committee this year.
- Guest services—To those from the community who will be driving through, we will be passing out treats and an informational card with the Christmas story on it. We need individuals who are willing to be part of that crew.
- Set-up—On Thursday, December 14, after school, we will need help with getting everything in place.
- Clean-up—Clean-up will happen at the conclusion of the event on Friday evening. We need adults and teens who are willing to help get the scenes “torn down” and put away. With many helpers, the process takes under an hour.
If you are interested or willing to be a part of this event, you can either return the attached sheet to school or email Mrs. Callison (bcallison@fcsfalcons.com) or Mrs. Worrell (cworrell@fcsfalcons.com). Please respond by Monday, November 20, 2023.
Last year, we saw over 200 cars come through the Live Nativity. We are excited to help share the love and light of Jesus with our community again this year. We also know that this will be a wonderful way to celebrate Jesus’ birthday together as a school family. Jesus is the Best Gift that we can share!